Make Some Color

When there is little color, make some. Russian artist Syuzanna Kamara said when she looks out the window on a typical Moscow day she normally sees shades of grey so she paints with bold color. Some of the many beautiful pieces at Artexpo New York. For 40 years Artexpo New York showcases innovative artists, galleries… Continue reading Make Some Color

Zie Otto

Zie Otto – Americanoh-New Glory White Tina Fire, Photograph on Fine Art Paper. Agora Gallery, NY. His subjects are usually relegated to the foreground. “Like a movie director, he allows his subjects to hide behind a mask of emotional expressivity: a look concealing the subjectivity of the person who actually gives it.”


Niko Luomo – Proximity exhibition at Bryce Wolkowitz Gallery, NY. His pieces are large scale photographic works called Adaptations based on Cubist ideas of visual space. Art masterpieces are broken down into geometric shapes and reassembled using multiple exposures to a negative. Featured image: Adaptation of ‘Les Demoiselles d’Avignone’ by Pablo Picasso, (1907) –2017 Adaptation… Continue reading Proximity